Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Initial Attraction Cues

This is going to be purely about initial attraction cues. Initial attraction cues tend to be small cluster following eye contact. A good basic example is: Eye contact, submissive  look down/away, and a preen of some sort. On to some real life examples.

Example 1: So a cute young white women was walking in the door to my work we made eye contact(1) and she gave me a slight smile(2) as I smiled at her. She than looked away and down in a submissive manner(3), this is something I am sure most of you miss or think is bad. This is regular in courtship, the women tend to submit as a form of shyness. Most of you men do this as well when you are intimidated by an attractive girl. She moved her hair behind her ear(preening to adjust her appearance for me, look at me(4)). Than she walked in my direction(5) as if to show herself off only to turn away only to turn and walk the opposite way. I was initially what she walked towards(she was attracted to me like a magnet), than she realized she came to my work for a different reason. We greeted each other and as she walked away she turned as if to look back and see me out of the corner of her eye. It is a slight head turn with her eyes moving to the side to look(6), she was looking to get another view of me without being caught. She sent me similar signals as she exited.

Example 2: This is more of gaining and attraction. I was called over to deal with a situation. I went to talk to a cute young women who was working at my work for a shift or two. I walked over smiled at her. She made eye contact and gave a courtesy smile(tight lip forced smile, you guys have all given them to an unlike acquaintance). I joked for a second and she did the head shake(a wiggle as if to shake her hair a form of preening(1)). She gave me strong eye contact with a true smile(2). She looked down submissively from behind the counter(3). We kept strong eye contact during the conversation(4). She went to move her hair behind her ear(5), she was adjusting her appearance and bringing attention to her face. She also turned her head slightly(6), this is a form of submission often missed. It grants neck exposure something very submissive through out the animal kingdom.

Example 3: I was sitting at a bar, I was on one corner and a very attractive Brazilian women was on another. I had a straight forward view while she had to turn and look to see me. There was one person in between us(her friend). I was chatting with some friends, this is a small bar capacity is like 80. I look over and seen she was staring at me(1). We have all caught someone doing this, often times we unfortunately dismiss it. She was a very confident women and it showed in her body language. She gave me a slight smile(2) as if to say yes I am attracted to you. Her head was pointing slightly down(3) she did not look away as we made eye contact(she couldn’t take her eyes off me(4)). She adjusted her jewelry slightly(a form of preening(5)).  She turned her head slightly when we initially made eye contact(6). Her arm was extended across the bar as if she was reaching to touch me(7). This was all within a couple of seconds. She was very confident in her body language. Her shoulders were out and she had the aura of a women who gets what she wants.

Example 4: I was sitting next to my friend a different time at the exact same bar as above. This time I was sitting next to him. I seen this cute local girl look his way(1). As she went to order a drink(she was standing to order a drink and we had seats at the bar) her torso was facing him(2). She seemed to be facing at a neutral angle but I realized that it was completely directed at him. She made strong eye contact with him(3) and smiled(open mouth and loose lips, it was obviously very genuine(4)). She looked down at the bar submissively when he looked over and noticed her(5). She pulled her shirt down(preening for him(6)) and bumped into him(7). She initiated conversation(8) with the regular “How are you tonight?” Than she rubbed her shoulder against him joking and flirting(9). I spotted all the initial signs before he even had an idea, before they flirted. She most definitely wanted him and wanted him that night.

Example 5: I was sitting at a table when I noticed a shy petite little women looking at one of the gentlemen at the table(1). It was very noticeable that she was shy as her shoulders were used to hide her neck. She was froze(2) an instinct that happens(predators look for movement, we freeze to not attract attention) as their fear of social interaction was published, when she got caught looking she looked down submissively(3). Because she was shy she didn’t give to much body language. She had a foot pointed at this gentlemen(4) showing he was the most interesting to her(look for this you guys, it happens all the time). When she did look to see him again she raised her eyes up to him while her head was still down(5), a very submissive look I am sure you guys have seen multiple little kids do this when they did something wrong.  When caught she always returned for a look at him(6).  This was as subtle as it gets, very hard to pick this one up unless you have the right knowledge.

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