Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The DTF Women- How do you know she is on the prowl?
Do women share similar intentions with men when they go out? Yes
women do. Women want sex just as much as men want sex and yes women go
out with the intention of getting laid too. Women just have a different
mindset for qualifications in sex. It’s hardwired into us, men try and
spread their seed far and wide and let shit work out. Women know (even
just subconsciously) that this could be the guy who leaves offspring and
thus she needs to make sure she finds the best mate available in case
of possible or for the best possible offspring.
As much as we try and rationalize our behavior, plenty of women may disagree with my outlook but it isn’t like I’m making this shit up. Look at their behavior, it’s obvious, otherwise the sexy dame would just fuck every guy in sight she was attracted to (she probably could). Instead she waits to find out what he is like first, why? If sex was just recreational then talking or “the interview” as I put it wouldn’t be a necessity in hooking up. Hell a picture of your dick and a resume of 5 past lays with reviews would suffice on whether she should fuck you. However you don’t get the job unless you pass the interview.
When is She is Looking the Most?
How do you know a woman is out interviewing for the job? What kind of behavior does a woman demonstrate when she is out looking to get laid? First I want to take a look at when a woman subconsciously wants sex the most, and her anatomy tells her she wants sex the most during ovulation. Ovulation is the point of a woman’s cycle when her egg drops so it can be fertilized. Simplified it is the time a woman can get pregnant during her cycle, it lasts between 24 and 48 hrs most of the time and happens at the midpoint between periods.
Ovulation is outright when her body is saying we need to reproduce. Her chemical levels change (estrogen levels increase) and her behavior in turn changes. She starts sending out “I need sex” signals, including a change in the pitch of her voice (a woman’s voice changes to higher pitch as the estrogen increases which happens as she nears ovulation), her skin tone looks younger and healthier, and she appears most attractive. Those are just the signals she sends anatomy wise, what she sends without trying. I’m not telling you all this so you guys can go out and get women pregnant, I’m telling you so you have a foundation on the reasoning that a woman wants to get laid and when. My Disclaimer: Please be clever cover and your lever.
How do you know she is interviewing?
Is Mama looking Good?
A study examined how close a woman was to her ovulation cycle and the amount of clothing she was wearing, the women with the least amount of clothing on were in or very near their ovulation period (even if they were in a relationship). Showing skin is a very well-known attraction technique I’m not sure I really need to go into deeply.
Don’t just look for exposed skin but look for the type of clothing, they may just be wearing tighter more curve emphasizing clothing. The clothing will be what she looks best in or feels she looks best in. This means she may be wearing colors that emphasize her eyes more. Her apparel will show her attractive features from eyes, curves, and skin (cleavage, midsection, shoulders, etc.). If Mama is using her apparel to catch attention Mama is probably looking for a little somethin’ somethin’. Women in happy relationships or satisfied sexually have no reason to care for appearance, why would they? There is no reason to trip on what you look like if you aren’t looking.
Open for Business
If a woman is closed off with her friend she doesn’t want guys approaching her at least her body language isn’t showing it. Her body language will say I’m open for business. She will have more open body language that means she will have hands open and wrists exposed. She will show more submissive signals such as a turned head. She’ll have an open stance that seems welcome to approach. Smile more often, and just have a friendly overall open body language. Remember she is out interviewing for the job, and it’s a publicly held interview. You guys will notice when a woman is open to an approach simply by paying attention to women that are with guys and women that aren’t. Go look at the woman with a man, she will not show availability, she might send some initial attraction cues but she won’t have that body language that says I’m open to an approach.
Flirting with Everyone
Along with her open body language and her turned head (a sign of flirting as well) she will be more flirtatious (even in a relationship according to studies). That means when she laughs at jokes she will have her head more loose, her head will be like a bobble head. It just bounces around more because they are relaxed. Flirting also means she is going to be sending more submissive signals and preens out to more people. She is going to be sending out more of those initial attraction cues to more people because she is more open to an approach.
A woman is going to close the distance and touch quicker and with much more frequency. Touch and closing the distance (especially entering the intimate zone of less than 24 inches) is a huge sign of attraction. We are like magnets that move towards our attraction. When a woman is on the prowl she will touch more men, stand closer to men, and do these things with more frequency. She will also engage in conversations more, after all she is out interviewing for the job.
Horny women are more sexual, she is hornier so why wouldn’t she be more sexual when she wants sex? This means mention of sex will happen more often in a conversation. She may talk about sex more often, what is more often? Well, how often do women mention sex early on in an interaction? Most women only mention sex when they are on the prowl for a little fun. Some women are just that way but even they are normally very sexual women and sexual women aren’t always looking but are normally open for good sexual opportunities.
Peacocking Behaviors of the Cock Hungry Female
Women who are out looking stand out, they yell, they scream, they jump, they catch attention. I’m serious women who want your attention look for tons of ways to get it. That could be skin showing or could be literally loud but women try and get attention when they are truly aggressive and want to get laid. This isn’t every women but it is a good amount. I’ve come across a ton of women, and while some women are merely far more outgoing, most that are looking to actually catch attention are women who are looking for a little cock. Sound funny? I’m damn serious. Loud women are usually women that want attention (though some are just drunk) and loud women normally want a little cock. Tell me I’m lying gals.
Similar Behavior to Ovulation when she just needs some “Satisfaction”
This behavior is not just part of ovulation, it is a part of any woman who wants to get laid, like I said women want sex as much as men. Some women want tons of sex and some a little, some men want sex and some a little. It is all women to women but know this women have the same addictions to pleasures such as an orgasm (lucky women get so many more orgasms, so many more dopamine rushes), and hardwired need called reproduction. We are wired to reproduce, it is how it is. I’m not saying you want kids, but I’m saying your want for sex shows your need to perform the action that can start reproduction.
Any woman who wants to get some cock will show the same behaviors. She will do all of these things when she is on the prowl even if it’s not ovulation related. It’s not as if a woman who wants to get laid mentally is going to act differently to someone who has the biological want to get laid. The behavior is one in the same that is why it is so easy to see the behavior. A great example is the single birthday woman, how loud and sexual is she when you know she is on the prowl? I’ve been propositioned by multiple birthday women, boy are they careless in putting themselves out there.
So if you want to find that women that is down to fuck tonight, look for women dressed well, sending approach cues, open body language, more flirtatious, and attention grabbing behaviors. These are normally the women out trying to get laid, it’s pretty straight forward. Note: If you want to get a woman out on the prowl you still need a good open.
As much as we try and rationalize our behavior, plenty of women may disagree with my outlook but it isn’t like I’m making this shit up. Look at their behavior, it’s obvious, otherwise the sexy dame would just fuck every guy in sight she was attracted to (she probably could). Instead she waits to find out what he is like first, why? If sex was just recreational then talking or “the interview” as I put it wouldn’t be a necessity in hooking up. Hell a picture of your dick and a resume of 5 past lays with reviews would suffice on whether she should fuck you. However you don’t get the job unless you pass the interview.
When is She is Looking the Most?
How do you know a woman is out interviewing for the job? What kind of behavior does a woman demonstrate when she is out looking to get laid? First I want to take a look at when a woman subconsciously wants sex the most, and her anatomy tells her she wants sex the most during ovulation. Ovulation is the point of a woman’s cycle when her egg drops so it can be fertilized. Simplified it is the time a woman can get pregnant during her cycle, it lasts between 24 and 48 hrs most of the time and happens at the midpoint between periods.
Ovulation is outright when her body is saying we need to reproduce. Her chemical levels change (estrogen levels increase) and her behavior in turn changes. She starts sending out “I need sex” signals, including a change in the pitch of her voice (a woman’s voice changes to higher pitch as the estrogen increases which happens as she nears ovulation), her skin tone looks younger and healthier, and she appears most attractive. Those are just the signals she sends anatomy wise, what she sends without trying. I’m not telling you all this so you guys can go out and get women pregnant, I’m telling you so you have a foundation on the reasoning that a woman wants to get laid and when. My Disclaimer: Please be clever cover and your lever.
How do you know she is interviewing?
Is Mama looking Good?
A study examined how close a woman was to her ovulation cycle and the amount of clothing she was wearing, the women with the least amount of clothing on were in or very near their ovulation period (even if they were in a relationship). Showing skin is a very well-known attraction technique I’m not sure I really need to go into deeply.
Don’t just look for exposed skin but look for the type of clothing, they may just be wearing tighter more curve emphasizing clothing. The clothing will be what she looks best in or feels she looks best in. This means she may be wearing colors that emphasize her eyes more. Her apparel will show her attractive features from eyes, curves, and skin (cleavage, midsection, shoulders, etc.). If Mama is using her apparel to catch attention Mama is probably looking for a little somethin’ somethin’. Women in happy relationships or satisfied sexually have no reason to care for appearance, why would they? There is no reason to trip on what you look like if you aren’t looking.
Open for Business
If a woman is closed off with her friend she doesn’t want guys approaching her at least her body language isn’t showing it. Her body language will say I’m open for business. She will have more open body language that means she will have hands open and wrists exposed. She will show more submissive signals such as a turned head. She’ll have an open stance that seems welcome to approach. Smile more often, and just have a friendly overall open body language. Remember she is out interviewing for the job, and it’s a publicly held interview. You guys will notice when a woman is open to an approach simply by paying attention to women that are with guys and women that aren’t. Go look at the woman with a man, she will not show availability, she might send some initial attraction cues but she won’t have that body language that says I’m open to an approach.
Flirting with Everyone
Along with her open body language and her turned head (a sign of flirting as well) she will be more flirtatious (even in a relationship according to studies). That means when she laughs at jokes she will have her head more loose, her head will be like a bobble head. It just bounces around more because they are relaxed. Flirting also means she is going to be sending more submissive signals and preens out to more people. She is going to be sending out more of those initial attraction cues to more people because she is more open to an approach.
A woman is going to close the distance and touch quicker and with much more frequency. Touch and closing the distance (especially entering the intimate zone of less than 24 inches) is a huge sign of attraction. We are like magnets that move towards our attraction. When a woman is on the prowl she will touch more men, stand closer to men, and do these things with more frequency. She will also engage in conversations more, after all she is out interviewing for the job.
Horny women are more sexual, she is hornier so why wouldn’t she be more sexual when she wants sex? This means mention of sex will happen more often in a conversation. She may talk about sex more often, what is more often? Well, how often do women mention sex early on in an interaction? Most women only mention sex when they are on the prowl for a little fun. Some women are just that way but even they are normally very sexual women and sexual women aren’t always looking but are normally open for good sexual opportunities.
Peacocking Behaviors of the Cock Hungry Female
Women who are out looking stand out, they yell, they scream, they jump, they catch attention. I’m serious women who want your attention look for tons of ways to get it. That could be skin showing or could be literally loud but women try and get attention when they are truly aggressive and want to get laid. This isn’t every women but it is a good amount. I’ve come across a ton of women, and while some women are merely far more outgoing, most that are looking to actually catch attention are women who are looking for a little cock. Sound funny? I’m damn serious. Loud women are usually women that want attention (though some are just drunk) and loud women normally want a little cock. Tell me I’m lying gals.
Similar Behavior to Ovulation when she just needs some “Satisfaction”
This behavior is not just part of ovulation, it is a part of any woman who wants to get laid, like I said women want sex as much as men. Some women want tons of sex and some a little, some men want sex and some a little. It is all women to women but know this women have the same addictions to pleasures such as an orgasm (lucky women get so many more orgasms, so many more dopamine rushes), and hardwired need called reproduction. We are wired to reproduce, it is how it is. I’m not saying you want kids, but I’m saying your want for sex shows your need to perform the action that can start reproduction.
Any woman who wants to get some cock will show the same behaviors. She will do all of these things when she is on the prowl even if it’s not ovulation related. It’s not as if a woman who wants to get laid mentally is going to act differently to someone who has the biological want to get laid. The behavior is one in the same that is why it is so easy to see the behavior. A great example is the single birthday woman, how loud and sexual is she when you know she is on the prowl? I’ve been propositioned by multiple birthday women, boy are they careless in putting themselves out there.
So if you want to find that women that is down to fuck tonight, look for women dressed well, sending approach cues, open body language, more flirtatious, and attention grabbing behaviors. These are normally the women out trying to get laid, it’s pretty straight forward. Note: If you want to get a woman out on the prowl you still need a good open.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Buck Fuddy Tips
Here is something I wrote to another blogger who published this. She is a very funny blogger. I highly recommend reading her stuff. Snark Snatch is her name and I highly recommend her work she is very funny. Has a great satirical humor that really paints a different view of the online dating experience. It is a great peak into a sexually confident woman's mind.
Enjoy what I wrote to her, I expected her to add her own to it but instead she kept everything I wrote.
Enjoy what I wrote to her, I expected her to add her own to it but instead she kept everything I wrote.
Victor’s Tips To Keep You Fucking Your Fuck Buddy
- I didn’t come over to spend time with you or go to dinner. I came over to satisfy our primitive desires. Don’t throw on a movie unless you have no intention of watching it.
- We are not friends(friends with benefits are different), we are fuck buddies. This relationship exists for sex, don’t clog it up with a friendship or relationship, this only ends in feelings being hurt.
- Don’t make sex more then it is. It is just sex and not a big deal. Fuck buddies require a certain amount of sexual maturity and confidence, always be sure to create these relationships with other people who can handle it.
- This isn’t fuck and tell. This isn’t about some great story or telling your friends, this is our business keep it to ourselves.
- Don’t call/text me while the sun is up, spend time with the sun up around folks you care about, not with me. Obviously not everyone works days but the point is this is all about sex, not spending time together. This is a sun down relationship, heels up relationship.
- Warn me when you are gaining feelings, and communicate your thoughts.
- Gain a code for sex with each fuck buddy. Everyone has their own little quirk. A woman I know use to send me an “I’m cold will you warm me up?”
- You are not seeing anyone. You aren’t kind of in a relationship, you are just fucking. You are free to see whoever you want and they are too.
- No more then 3 sessions a week, anymore and you are spending too much time together. If you want someone to fuck everyday find a relationship.
- Always wear protection! I don’t care if they say they aren’t seeing anyone else. Protect yourself at all times, you aren’t in a relationship.
- Define it as a fuck buddy relationship. Definition is very key in any relationship but it is especially true in fuck buddies. People can gain feelings but definition helps lay down the rules early on. If you don’t want a relationship and they do this isn’t going to be a good start.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Initial Attraction Cues
This is going to be purely about initial attraction cues. Initial
attraction cues tend to be small cluster following eye contact. A good
basic example is: Eye contact, submissive look down/away, and a preen
of some sort. On to some real life examples.
Example 1: So a cute young white women was walking in the door to my work we made eye contact(1) and she gave me a slight smile(2) as I smiled at her. She than looked away and down in a submissive manner(3), this is something I am sure most of you miss or think is bad. This is regular in courtship, the women tend to submit as a form of shyness. Most of you men do this as well when you are intimidated by an attractive girl. She moved her hair behind her ear(preening to adjust her appearance for me, look at me(4)). Than she walked in my direction(5) as if to show herself off only to turn away only to turn and walk the opposite way. I was initially what she walked towards(she was attracted to me like a magnet), than she realized she came to my work for a different reason. We greeted each other and as she walked away she turned as if to look back and see me out of the corner of her eye. It is a slight head turn with her eyes moving to the side to look(6), she was looking to get another view of me without being caught. She sent me similar signals as she exited.
Example 2: This is more of gaining and attraction. I was called over to deal with a situation. I went to talk to a cute young women who was working at my work for a shift or two. I walked over smiled at her. She made eye contact and gave a courtesy smile(tight lip forced smile, you guys have all given them to an unlike acquaintance). I joked for a second and she did the head shake(a wiggle as if to shake her hair a form of preening(1)). She gave me strong eye contact with a true smile(2). She looked down submissively from behind the counter(3). We kept strong eye contact during the conversation(4). She went to move her hair behind her ear(5), she was adjusting her appearance and bringing attention to her face. She also turned her head slightly(6), this is a form of submission often missed. It grants neck exposure something very submissive through out the animal kingdom.
Example 3: I was sitting at a bar, I was on one corner and a very attractive Brazilian women was on another. I had a straight forward view while she had to turn and look to see me. There was one person in between us(her friend). I was chatting with some friends, this is a small bar capacity is like 80. I look over and seen she was staring at me(1). We have all caught someone doing this, often times we unfortunately dismiss it. She was a very confident women and it showed in her body language. She gave me a slight smile(2) as if to say yes I am attracted to you. Her head was pointing slightly down(3) she did not look away as we made eye contact(she couldn’t take her eyes off me(4)). She adjusted her jewelry slightly(a form of preening(5)). She turned her head slightly when we initially made eye contact(6). Her arm was extended across the bar as if she was reaching to touch me(7). This was all within a couple of seconds. She was very confident in her body language. Her shoulders were out and she had the aura of a women who gets what she wants.
Example 4: I was sitting next to my friend a different time at the exact same bar as above. This time I was sitting next to him. I seen this cute local girl look his way(1). As she went to order a drink(she was standing to order a drink and we had seats at the bar) her torso was facing him(2). She seemed to be facing at a neutral angle but I realized that it was completely directed at him. She made strong eye contact with him(3) and smiled(open mouth and loose lips, it was obviously very genuine(4)). She looked down at the bar submissively when he looked over and noticed her(5). She pulled her shirt down(preening for him(6)) and bumped into him(7). She initiated conversation(8) with the regular “How are you tonight?” Than she rubbed her shoulder against him joking and flirting(9). I spotted all the initial signs before he even had an idea, before they flirted. She most definitely wanted him and wanted him that night.
Example 5: I was sitting at a table when I noticed a shy petite little women looking at one of the gentlemen at the table(1). It was very noticeable that she was shy as her shoulders were used to hide her neck. She was froze(2) an instinct that happens(predators look for movement, we freeze to not attract attention) as their fear of social interaction was published, when she got caught looking she looked down submissively(3). Because she was shy she didn’t give to much body language. She had a foot pointed at this gentlemen(4) showing he was the most interesting to her(look for this you guys, it happens all the time). When she did look to see him again she raised her eyes up to him while her head was still down(5), a very submissive look I am sure you guys have seen multiple little kids do this when they did something wrong. When caught she always returned for a look at him(6). This was as subtle as it gets, very hard to pick this one up unless you have the right knowledge.
Example 1: So a cute young white women was walking in the door to my work we made eye contact(1) and she gave me a slight smile(2) as I smiled at her. She than looked away and down in a submissive manner(3), this is something I am sure most of you miss or think is bad. This is regular in courtship, the women tend to submit as a form of shyness. Most of you men do this as well when you are intimidated by an attractive girl. She moved her hair behind her ear(preening to adjust her appearance for me, look at me(4)). Than she walked in my direction(5) as if to show herself off only to turn away only to turn and walk the opposite way. I was initially what she walked towards(she was attracted to me like a magnet), than she realized she came to my work for a different reason. We greeted each other and as she walked away she turned as if to look back and see me out of the corner of her eye. It is a slight head turn with her eyes moving to the side to look(6), she was looking to get another view of me without being caught. She sent me similar signals as she exited.
Example 2: This is more of gaining and attraction. I was called over to deal with a situation. I went to talk to a cute young women who was working at my work for a shift or two. I walked over smiled at her. She made eye contact and gave a courtesy smile(tight lip forced smile, you guys have all given them to an unlike acquaintance). I joked for a second and she did the head shake(a wiggle as if to shake her hair a form of preening(1)). She gave me strong eye contact with a true smile(2). She looked down submissively from behind the counter(3). We kept strong eye contact during the conversation(4). She went to move her hair behind her ear(5), she was adjusting her appearance and bringing attention to her face. She also turned her head slightly(6), this is a form of submission often missed. It grants neck exposure something very submissive through out the animal kingdom.
Example 3: I was sitting at a bar, I was on one corner and a very attractive Brazilian women was on another. I had a straight forward view while she had to turn and look to see me. There was one person in between us(her friend). I was chatting with some friends, this is a small bar capacity is like 80. I look over and seen she was staring at me(1). We have all caught someone doing this, often times we unfortunately dismiss it. She was a very confident women and it showed in her body language. She gave me a slight smile(2) as if to say yes I am attracted to you. Her head was pointing slightly down(3) she did not look away as we made eye contact(she couldn’t take her eyes off me(4)). She adjusted her jewelry slightly(a form of preening(5)). She turned her head slightly when we initially made eye contact(6). Her arm was extended across the bar as if she was reaching to touch me(7). This was all within a couple of seconds. She was very confident in her body language. Her shoulders were out and she had the aura of a women who gets what she wants.
Example 4: I was sitting next to my friend a different time at the exact same bar as above. This time I was sitting next to him. I seen this cute local girl look his way(1). As she went to order a drink(she was standing to order a drink and we had seats at the bar) her torso was facing him(2). She seemed to be facing at a neutral angle but I realized that it was completely directed at him. She made strong eye contact with him(3) and smiled(open mouth and loose lips, it was obviously very genuine(4)). She looked down at the bar submissively when he looked over and noticed her(5). She pulled her shirt down(preening for him(6)) and bumped into him(7). She initiated conversation(8) with the regular “How are you tonight?” Than she rubbed her shoulder against him joking and flirting(9). I spotted all the initial signs before he even had an idea, before they flirted. She most definitely wanted him and wanted him that night.
Example 5: I was sitting at a table when I noticed a shy petite little women looking at one of the gentlemen at the table(1). It was very noticeable that she was shy as her shoulders were used to hide her neck. She was froze(2) an instinct that happens(predators look for movement, we freeze to not attract attention) as their fear of social interaction was published, when she got caught looking she looked down submissively(3). Because she was shy she didn’t give to much body language. She had a foot pointed at this gentlemen(4) showing he was the most interesting to her(look for this you guys, it happens all the time). When she did look to see him again she raised her eyes up to him while her head was still down(5), a very submissive look I am sure you guys have seen multiple little kids do this when they did something wrong. When caught she always returned for a look at him(6). This was as subtle as it gets, very hard to pick this one up unless you have the right knowledge.
body language,
courtship signals,
eye contact,
indicators of interest,
natural game,
pick up,
pick-up artist,
sex signals
Monday, February 13, 2012
Body Language Rules to Follow
This is a refresher, I don't know how many people know the basic rules to reading body language. It seems we have some different folks monitoring this blog then just the forum. So here are some of the rules to Reading Body Language with the most success.
1. Context, Always put body language in context. Someone maybe closed up (arms crossed), but it maybe due to the weather if it is very cold. They may have a dirty shirt and are hiding it. Make sure that you are putting their body language in context with the situation, weather, environment etc.
2. Clusters make up the whole message. Don't just look at one sign and draw a conclusion. Look at the body language as a whole. Always look for multiple signs. A smile, turned head, and leaning in torso is a nice cluster. A bobbly head, a full frontal torso, and a foot pointed towards you is another cluster as well.
3. Congruency, the body language must agree with it's self. Some times we politely smile at someone but we don't truly smile at them. Our body language is closed. Or sometimes we are saying we are happy with a angry look on our face. The body language has to have congruency.
4. Consistency, people are consistent and have certain habits in their body language. Look for consistency, somethings are going against their natural body language. Some girls always preen their hair, showing constant insecurity. So she may not be preening for you at all, she may be preening for her self esteem.
Always be aware that reading body language requires you to have a fluctuating understand of each situation with each particular person's body language. You need to be aware that each person has Consistent habits, Congruency with their message(when honest, body language always agrees), put all the signs in Context, and make sure there are Clusters of signs all leading you to the same conclusion.
This is a refresher, I don't know how many people know the basic rules to reading body language. It seems we have some different folks monitoring this blog then just the forum. So here are some of the rules to Reading Body Language with the most success.
1. Context, Always put body language in context. Someone maybe closed up (arms crossed), but it maybe due to the weather if it is very cold. They may have a dirty shirt and are hiding it. Make sure that you are putting their body language in context with the situation, weather, environment etc.
2. Clusters make up the whole message. Don't just look at one sign and draw a conclusion. Look at the body language as a whole. Always look for multiple signs. A smile, turned head, and leaning in torso is a nice cluster. A bobbly head, a full frontal torso, and a foot pointed towards you is another cluster as well.
3. Congruency, the body language must agree with it's self. Some times we politely smile at someone but we don't truly smile at them. Our body language is closed. Or sometimes we are saying we are happy with a angry look on our face. The body language has to have congruency.
4. Consistency, people are consistent and have certain habits in their body language. Look for consistency, somethings are going against their natural body language. Some girls always preen their hair, showing constant insecurity. So she may not be preening for you at all, she may be preening for her self esteem.
Always be aware that reading body language requires you to have a fluctuating understand of each situation with each particular person's body language. You need to be aware that each person has Consistent habits, Congruency with their message(when honest, body language always agrees), put all the signs in Context, and make sure there are Clusters of signs all leading you to the same conclusion.
Deciphering body language in courtship...
We went out for my buddys birthday, Went to an Irish style pub. Solid spot over 100 different shots so I chose the location. Good size crowd on Monday for a poker tournament. During the course of the first hour I was dragged away by a girl J1 where I ended up in a set with 2 other girls J2 and H (engaged). During the course of this I started gaining multiple positive signals from J1 and J2. J2 and I ended up hitting it off, she was a cute 22 yr old punker.
While talking to J2 she began to show me signs of attraction. She tipped back her head as she laughed at a few of the remarks I gave her. She had an open loose jaw as she smiled with a slightly turned head. She was relaxed and submissive. Her smile showed she was enjoying my company immensely. She asked me to sit down and introduced herself.
She began to stroke her hair as she complimented me here and there. Her torso began to face me completely as she adjusted in her chair; often times this elevation in courtship is when they want to commit their full attention. As she faced me our feet began to touch. When someone is willing to allow you to get near their feet they are extremely comfortable. This doesnt happen often. So when your playing footsies so to speak you guys are extremely comfortable.
We were seated at the corner of a bar where I was sitting on one side and she was sitting at a right angle to me. When she realized how uncomfortable this was she adjusted her body language to copy mine. Isopraxism is a sign that we are alike. It is something subconscious that we all tend to do when we like someone. She crossed her arms just like me as she leaned up on the bar as I was. She would adjust her hair or stroke her hair here and there preening her appearance for me. She offered her number at this point in the conversation and I accepted kindly.
She made sexual references (she does work in a sex shop) here and there alluding to sex to let me know her mind was on it. Fun girl we laughed and made our references. Courtship continued on.
Someone came over and pulled me back over to the birthday party and the girls followed behind shortly there after. At this point courtship was put on hold as the seating arrangements had changed immensely. J2 and I were no longer seated next to each other. She waved across the table and smiled at me. This was a 10 person booth, good size little party we had. There was some distance between me and her now.
My friends friend made his attempt at her as he collected her number mostly in a threatening way. His body language looked to be intruding as he moved forward she moved back attempting to maintain the amount of space between them. He wasnt smiling, and she was giving a courteous type lip smile (forced), with a stiff annoyed jaw. When he left she moved to sit next to me and he made a second attempt at getting her number (she gave him a fake one). She showed threatened body language as she slid slightly away, leaned away, and turned her face away, when he spoke and moved closer. She was not attracted to him and he was far to threatening. She kept her arms as barriers for safety and a kind of self comforting hug. She also tucked her head into her shoulders to hide.
As the night grew on the same signals were sent submissive, preening, and sex signals (as she stroked her glass up and down, a huge sexual signal). Kino had begun early on, at this point I had put my arm around her and she had started hugging on me. We went and danced on the empty large area of the floor (it was an Irish pub). Danced to some old R&B songs and sang to each other. We were in synch together and our body language and movement were matching as we held hands.
We moved back over to the booth to talk. We talked a little joked Kino continued on; there was definite sexual tension at this point. We were touching waste, ass, our hips were close together (strong sexual feeling). We had built sold sexual tension and it was obvious with our movement together in synch, our space, and our comfort level courtship was in full swing.
Eye contact was very strong and pupils were dilated. At certain points when she was nervous her blink rate grew rapidly, this happened from the beginning to the end but it grew stronger and more intimate as the night went on. There was some intimate language as we kissed and hugged to split up. Unfortunately I was designated driver and the night ended here but I had already got her number and she kept saying it through out the night. She asked me to call her later.
Today as I was dealing with a beautiful young female customer her card came up insufficient funds. I walked over to show her what was wrong on a mobile computer. There was than an exchange of words and a smile. She than sent several signals while she was switching money in her account on her phone, and finishing up a transaction at a self check out. Note: We have spoken before.
Body Language
After we talked for a 30 seconds or so the young women gave me a Bunches of positive signals for the next 2 minutes.
1. An immediate grab of her necklace where she started to fidget with it. She grabbed it and pulled the chain until it was tight. As she did this she pulled the necklace back and forth across her neck. It showed she was nervous and submissive.
2. A smile was given, true smile with a slightly open mouth, loose cheeks, and exposed teeth. This was accompanied by good eye contact. A true smile with a loose jaw is different than the tight lipped one we give to strangers as a courtesy.
3. She tipped her head in a way as to show a sign of submission. This is something that most of us miss. A women will a lot of times tip her head and turn it slightly. It is a very sexy signal that most super models do during photo shoots.
4. Strong eye contact was kept. When she eventually looked away she looked back to make strong eye contact again. Repeated eye contact was made. Strong eye contact is a sign that they are intrigued, they "can't take their eyes off you". Do not break ever eye contact first.
5. She straightened her shirt by pulling at the bottom. As she went to make eye contact again she once again pulled her shirt straight. This is a sign that she was insecure about her image and it is a form of preening. She was adjusting her appearance to make sure it was presentable.
6. Her foot pointed towards me. A person's subconscious will normally stand in a way that is most comfortable to them. One of the little noticed things that happens is a person points their toes towards a person.
7. Her torso started to face me at a some what neutral angle. When someone faces you it is in most cases more acknowledgement. As a girl faces you notice she is showing more interest in you, you have collected more of her attention.
8. As she went to leave she again straightened her shirt to straighten her appearance. She ran her thumb across her nose, in a submissive manner. As she thanked me she tipped her head and with strong eye contact smiled.
Show Your Mind What It Has Been Missing
We went out for my buddys birthday, Went to an Irish style pub. Solid spot over 100 different shots so I chose the location. Good size crowd on Monday for a poker tournament. During the course of the first hour I was dragged away by a girl J1 where I ended up in a set with 2 other girls J2 and H (engaged). During the course of this I started gaining multiple positive signals from J1 and J2. J2 and I ended up hitting it off, she was a cute 22 yr old punker.
While talking to J2 she began to show me signs of attraction. She tipped back her head as she laughed at a few of the remarks I gave her. She had an open loose jaw as she smiled with a slightly turned head. She was relaxed and submissive. Her smile showed she was enjoying my company immensely. She asked me to sit down and introduced herself.
She began to stroke her hair as she complimented me here and there. Her torso began to face me completely as she adjusted in her chair; often times this elevation in courtship is when they want to commit their full attention. As she faced me our feet began to touch. When someone is willing to allow you to get near their feet they are extremely comfortable. This doesnt happen often. So when your playing footsies so to speak you guys are extremely comfortable.
We were seated at the corner of a bar where I was sitting on one side and she was sitting at a right angle to me. When she realized how uncomfortable this was she adjusted her body language to copy mine. Isopraxism is a sign that we are alike. It is something subconscious that we all tend to do when we like someone. She crossed her arms just like me as she leaned up on the bar as I was. She would adjust her hair or stroke her hair here and there preening her appearance for me. She offered her number at this point in the conversation and I accepted kindly.
She made sexual references (she does work in a sex shop) here and there alluding to sex to let me know her mind was on it. Fun girl we laughed and made our references. Courtship continued on.
Someone came over and pulled me back over to the birthday party and the girls followed behind shortly there after. At this point courtship was put on hold as the seating arrangements had changed immensely. J2 and I were no longer seated next to each other. She waved across the table and smiled at me. This was a 10 person booth, good size little party we had. There was some distance between me and her now.
My friends friend made his attempt at her as he collected her number mostly in a threatening way. His body language looked to be intruding as he moved forward she moved back attempting to maintain the amount of space between them. He wasnt smiling, and she was giving a courteous type lip smile (forced), with a stiff annoyed jaw. When he left she moved to sit next to me and he made a second attempt at getting her number (she gave him a fake one). She showed threatened body language as she slid slightly away, leaned away, and turned her face away, when he spoke and moved closer. She was not attracted to him and he was far to threatening. She kept her arms as barriers for safety and a kind of self comforting hug. She also tucked her head into her shoulders to hide.
As the night grew on the same signals were sent submissive, preening, and sex signals (as she stroked her glass up and down, a huge sexual signal). Kino had begun early on, at this point I had put my arm around her and she had started hugging on me. We went and danced on the empty large area of the floor (it was an Irish pub). Danced to some old R&B songs and sang to each other. We were in synch together and our body language and movement were matching as we held hands.
We moved back over to the booth to talk. We talked a little joked Kino continued on; there was definite sexual tension at this point. We were touching waste, ass, our hips were close together (strong sexual feeling). We had built sold sexual tension and it was obvious with our movement together in synch, our space, and our comfort level courtship was in full swing.
Eye contact was very strong and pupils were dilated. At certain points when she was nervous her blink rate grew rapidly, this happened from the beginning to the end but it grew stronger and more intimate as the night went on. There was some intimate language as we kissed and hugged to split up. Unfortunately I was designated driver and the night ended here but I had already got her number and she kept saying it through out the night. She asked me to call her later.
Today as I was dealing with a beautiful young female customer her card came up insufficient funds. I walked over to show her what was wrong on a mobile computer. There was than an exchange of words and a smile. She than sent several signals while she was switching money in her account on her phone, and finishing up a transaction at a self check out. Note: We have spoken before.
Body Language
After we talked for a 30 seconds or so the young women gave me a Bunches of positive signals for the next 2 minutes.
1. An immediate grab of her necklace where she started to fidget with it. She grabbed it and pulled the chain until it was tight. As she did this she pulled the necklace back and forth across her neck. It showed she was nervous and submissive.
2. A smile was given, true smile with a slightly open mouth, loose cheeks, and exposed teeth. This was accompanied by good eye contact. A true smile with a loose jaw is different than the tight lipped one we give to strangers as a courtesy.
3. She tipped her head in a way as to show a sign of submission. This is something that most of us miss. A women will a lot of times tip her head and turn it slightly. It is a very sexy signal that most super models do during photo shoots.
4. Strong eye contact was kept. When she eventually looked away she looked back to make strong eye contact again. Repeated eye contact was made. Strong eye contact is a sign that they are intrigued, they "can't take their eyes off you". Do not break ever eye contact first.
5. She straightened her shirt by pulling at the bottom. As she went to make eye contact again she once again pulled her shirt straight. This is a sign that she was insecure about her image and it is a form of preening. She was adjusting her appearance to make sure it was presentable.
6. Her foot pointed towards me. A person's subconscious will normally stand in a way that is most comfortable to them. One of the little noticed things that happens is a person points their toes towards a person.
7. Her torso started to face me at a some what neutral angle. When someone faces you it is in most cases more acknowledgement. As a girl faces you notice she is showing more interest in you, you have collected more of her attention.
8. As she went to leave she again straightened her shirt to straighten her appearance. She ran her thumb across her nose, in a submissive manner. As she thanked me she tipped her head and with strong eye contact smiled.
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